You face a lot of dangers when driving. Bad roads, poor weather conditions, and negligent drivers top the list. But some motorists pose more risks than others. You might think that teenagers are more susceptible to causing or otherwise being involved in a car accident, and for good reason. According to the CDC, those between the ages of 16 and 19 are at a higher risk of being involved in a wreck than any other age group. But why are these drivers at a higher risk of causing a crash?
Several factors that can render an individual a dangerous driver. When it comes to teenagers, this includes the following:
- Increased use of technology while driving
- Inexperience
- Driving at night when visibility is reduced
- Speeding
- Drug and alcohol use
- Heightened distractions
Any one of these issues can lead to a devastating collision. So, what can you do to keep yourself safe?
How to stay safe around teen drivers
It’s going to be hard to tell when you’re driving near a teenager. However, you can implement these practices to help keep yourself safe at all times:
- Follow traffic laws.
- Expect the worst from other drivers.
- Always have an exit plan when surrounded by other vehicles.
- Stay alert and refrain from distractions.
- Give yourself plenty of following distance between yourself and the vehicle in front of you.
- Move over if the vehicle behind you is following too closely.
What if you’ve been injured in an accident caused by a teenager?
If you’ve been hurt in a crash caused by a teen, then you may want to consider legal action. A personal injury lawsuit against them and their parents could allow you to recover the compensation you need. So, don’t be hesitant to act on your rights. It may be the only way to reclaim your life after being hurt in a devastating car accident.