Do distractions from passengers or the use of cellphones cause more car accidents?
A number of things can cause drivers to become distracted: radio, GPS, activities happening on the side of the road. But the majority of accidents are caused by distractions from passengers and cellphone use. Have you ever wondered which causes more Maryland car crashes? The answer may surprise you.
Passengers Can Recognize Danger
- If you’re driving on 295 and suddenly traffic comes to a halt, the person who you are talking to on the phone may continue to jabber on without realizing you need to focus on what is in front of you. Her talking could distract you and cause you to get into an accident. A passenger, however, can recognize that you need to focus and will often stop talking, allowing you to pay full attention to the traffic around you.
- A passenger in your vehicle can add an extra pair of eyes, which means he may spot something you wouldn’t. For instance, the occupant may see a child about to run out in the road that you didn’t see because you were looking straight ahead. A person on the phone, however, can’t help you in this way, and actually only hinders you by causing more distraction.
Talking on a cellphone is far more dangerous than having an adult passenger in the vehicle with you. Occupants can adjust to your needs and help you drive, which could prevent an accident.
Maryland car crashes caused by distracted driving can leave victims facing costly medical bills and uncertain futures. If this happens to you, you’ll need the help of an experienced lawyer to defend your rights.
Contact the law offices of Lewis & Tompkins to find out if we can help.
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