Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer: How To Pass A Truck Safely
We’ve all been there before: stuck on the highway behind a slow-moving truck. What can you do to get around the truck safely? The last thing you need is to be the victim of a Virginia trucking accident.
Truck Drivers May Drive Slowly
Many truckers drive the stated speed limit. But others drive slightly below the speed limit. And, on some roads, truck drivers must adhere to a slower speed limit than passenger cars. Most of us would prefer to go around these trucks than to reduce our own speed.
Consider These Tips For Passing Trucks Safely
When you are passing a truck, keep the following tips in mind:
- Make sure the passing lane is open.
- Use your turn signal to let the truck driver know that you are changing lanes.
- Pass the truck as quickly as possible. Do not linger in the truck’s blind spot. Not only can a truck driver not see you if you are traveling side-by-side, but the position could make your car susceptible to wind movement.
- Wait to move in front of the truck until you are sure you can do so without cutting the truck off. You should be able to see the truck in your rear-view mirror before you pull in front of it.
- Continue traveling at your passing speed when you get in front of the truck until you are a safe distance away from the truck. Since trucks take longer to stop than passenger cars, you do not want a truck to be driving too closely behind you.
Call A Virginia-Area Truck Accident Attorney For Help
If you need to speak to a Washington, D.C., truck accident lawyer, contact the attorneys at Lewis & Tompkins. You may call us at 202-296-0666 or fill out our online contact form. Our lawyers represent clients from Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C.