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Motor Vehicle and Transit Accidents
Car Accidents
Car Accidents Library
- A Pain In The Neck: Whiplash After A Washington, D.C., Car Crash
- A Plague Of Potholes: Pothole Danger On D.C. Streets
- Bethesda Car Accident Lawyers Ask You: What Do You Do To Put Yourself At Risk While Driving?
- Beware! Parking Lot Accidents In The Nation’s Capital
- Cellphone Bans Are Unenforced And Ineffective
- Cellphones And Car Accidents In Maryland, D.C. And Virginia
- Common Two-Lane Turn Hazards
- D.C. Personal Injury Attorneys: Play Safe Over Spring Break
- Dangers Of Driving On The Capital Beltway & Washington, D.C.
- Even Minor Virginia Collisions Can Cause Serious Car Accident Injuries
- Fit Is Everything: Strapping Your Children Correctly Is the Only Way to Protect Them in a D.C. Car Wreck
- How Safe Are You In A Virginia Or Maryland Vehicle Accident?
- I have no insurance on my car. Can I still make a claim for personal injuries or damage to my car?
- Montgomery County Accident Attorney: Drowsy Driving Dangers
- Potentially Fatal Risks Of Turning Right On Red
- Pregnancy Risks During A Car Accident
- Rear-End Car Crashes With In-Your-Face Injuries
- Saving A Few Minutes Of Travel Time Could Cause A D.C. Car Crash
- Should You Take Responsibility For Causing A Car Crash?
- The Risks Of Cab Riding In D.C.
- Traveling Through Some D.C. Intersections Could Be Risky Business
- Virginia Road Rage: Learn The Risks And Harmful Outcomes
Car Accidents Questions
- Are there cases when the driver in front is held responsible for a rear-end collision in D.C.?
- Can a car accident cause pregnancy complications or birth injuries?
- Do distractions from passengers or the use of cellphones cause more car accidents?
- Do the laws in Washington, D.C., require us to use a car seat for our toddler when riding in a taxicab?
- How long do I have to file a lawsuit after a car accident?
- I recently purchased a safety harness for buckling up my 3-year-old on aircrafts. Can I use this in my car to help keep her safe in the event of a Virginia car accident?
- I seem to see fender-benders on my way to work on the Beltway on a weekly basis, but what should I do if I encounter a more serious Washington, D.C. car crash?
- I want to avoid a car accident, but there are some really bad drivers on the road. What is the best way to avoid a traffic accident with dangerous drivers on the road?
- I was injured in a parking lot car accident recently, and my car was damaged
- I was involved in a car accident about a year ago, but never filed a lawsuit against the at-fault driver.
- I was involved in a Virginia car accident while I was making a left turn, but I don’t think it was my fault—do I have a case?
- I was rear-ended today in a very minor Washington, D.C.-area car accident. Will I need to hire a lawyer, or can I just deal with this on my own?
- I was recently in a serious Fairfax car accident, and when I saw a copy of the police report, I noticed that some of the facts and accounts were wrong. Can I do something about this?
- I was recently involved in a car accident in Washington, D.C.
- I was recently involved in a Maryland car crash, and was badly injured.
- Is it illegal to use a turn lane as a passing lane?
- Most wrong-way driving accidents that happen are head-on collisions. What are the most common injuries associated with head-on auto collisions?
- My first grader is a big kid. Does he still need to ride in a child safety seat?
- My friend was just seriously injured in a rollover accident in Virginia. Now I’m worried. What can I do if I’m ever an accident like this?
- My husband was recently killed in a very serious Washington, D.C. car accident. What are my rights?
- There really aren’t too many known laws specifically dealing with drowsy driving. Can motorists in D.C. be found negligent if they are caught driving a vehicle while sleepy?
- What are some of the most common forms of distracted driving, and how does it affect my safety?
- What are the leading causes of rear-end collisions?
- What are the most common causes of auto accidents in urban areas like the Washington, D.C. area, and what do I do if I’m in an accident?
- What happens when an excluded driver is in an automobile accident?
- What is an excluded driver?
- What Is My Case Worth?
- What is the best way to protect my child from a Maryland car accident?
- Who is at fault for an accident caused by a pothole?
- Who Pays For My Property Damage?
- Why are seat belt laws different between states, and how does it affect the outcome of my car accident settlement?
- Why shouldn’t kids be able to sit in the front seat of a car if they don’t need a safety seat anymore?
- Will you be covered by automobile insurance if you have a car accident while driving with a suspended, revoked or expired license?
- Wrongful Death And Car Accidents
Car Accidents Library
- Distracted And Drunk Driver Accidents
- Injury Claims Against WMATA, MetroRail And Metrobus
Motorcycle Accidents
- Bethesda Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Want You to Know the Limits of Your Abilities, Your Bike, and the Road
- Bikers Should Not Be Blamed For D.C. “Dooring” Accidents
- Cars, Trucks And Motorcycles: Dangerous Lane Changing Game
- D.C. Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Offer Tips For Riders And Drivers
- Life-Changing Motorcycle Accident Injuries
- Maryland Accident Attorney: Know The Risks Of Unlicensed Riders And Motorcycle Accidents
- Maryland’s Motorcycle Laws And Helmet Laws
Motorcycle Accidents Questions
- I just got a new motorcycle. How can I keep myself safe when I ride?
- I know that helmets are important for protection in a Washington, D.C., area motorcycle accident, but what are the laws regarding protective gear?
- I recently heard the term “comparative negligence” but don’t understand what it means in regard to my motorcycle accident case. Does this term apply to my injury claims in Maryland?
- I was injured in a recent motorcycle accident in Montgomery County
- I was recently injured in a motorcycle accident, and the insurance companies are fighting over fault. Why is it so difficult to assign fault after a D.C. motorcycle accident?
- I wasn’t wearing a helmet in my Washington, D.C. area motorcycle accident; will I still be able to collect damages for my injuries from the other driver?
- I’m a Maryland motorcyclist who loves riding on the freeways. I’m often on the DC-5 but I hate passing the large semi-trucks. Do you have any tips for staying safe while riding?
- If I am involved in a motorcycle accident, should I try to settle with the insurance company first before contacting a D.C. motorcycle accident attorney?
- In an effort to reduce motorcycle accidents, are motorcyclists required to take any special courses or safety classes before getting a license in Virginia?
- My friend was recently involved in a very minor Bethesda motorcycle accident, but the incident still has me spooked. What sort of things do I need to look out for to keep myself safe on my bike?
- What should my plan of action be following a Washington, D.C., motorcycle accident?
- Motorcycle Speed Champion’s Death A Sobering Reminder To Area Bikers
- Older Riders Are At Greater Risk Of Injury In A Maryland Motorcycle Accident
- Protecting The Invisible Motorists: Maryland, D.C., and Virginia Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Serving You
- Washington, D.C. Motorcycle Injury Attorneys Take A Look: What Are Your Rights If You Are Involved In An Accident While Lane Splitting?
- What To Do When You Have Been Injured In A Washington, D.C., Motorcycle Accident And You Were A Passenger
- Wrongful Death And Motorcycle Accidents
- Passenger Injuries
Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents
- Avoiding A Washington, D.C., Pedestrian Accident Starts In Your Own Neighborhood
Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents Library
- Are Bike Groups More Dangerous Than They Are Beneficial?
- Bethesda Bicycle Accident Attorneys Share Secrets Of The Road: How You, As A Cyclist, Can Be King Of The Road
- Bicycle Accident Prevention
- Bicycle Safety Tips For Kids
- Bike Lane Rules: Same As Traffic Laws
- Biking Distractions That Can Get You Killed
- Common Causes Of Pedestrian Accidents
- Dangerous Potholes And The Impact On D.C. Bicyclists
- David Tompkins provides tips to keep children safe around cars and in your neighborhood
- Do You Know What To Do After A D.C. Bike-Sharing Accident?
- Five Accessories For Cyclist That Can Prevent Bicycle Accidents
- Get Covered: An In-Depth Look At Your Coverage In A Washington, D.C., Bicycle Accident
- How An Unexpected Right Turn Could Ruin Your Bike Ride
- How Most Bicycle Accidents Are Caused
- How Pedestrian Accidents Occur
- How The Weather Could Ruin Your Walk In More Ways Than One
- Hurt In A Washington, D.C., Pedestrian Accident? Here’s What You Need To Do!
- Insurance Policies: What’s Protecting You In A Virginia Or Maryland Bicycle Accident?
- Is The D.C. Bike Share Program Causing More Crashes In The City?
- Pedestrian Injury Care Can Be Costly. Are You Prepared For The Expense?
- Proactive Cycling: How To Stay Safer In Maryland Traffic
- Rage Cycling: The Risks Of Biking While Angry
- Red Lights And Right Turns: Common Washington, D.C., Bicycle Accident Causes And How To Avoid Them
- Riding A Bike On D.C. Sidewalks May Be More Dangerous Than You Think
- Riding Predictably: Thinking Like A Motorist Can Help Prevent Virginia And D.C. Bicycling Accidents
- Seven Injuries That Could Ruin Your Walk
- Skull Fractures And Broken Bones: Children’s Bike-Riding Risks
- Slipping And Sliding On D.C. Sidewalks: Risky Facts For Pedestrians
- Slowing Down Can Prevent Suburban Pedestrian Accidents
- Spring Weather Increases Risks For Cyclists
- Staying Safe On Capital District Roads: Tips On Preventing Washington, D.C., Bicycle Accidents
- Sundown? You Better Take Care: Walking Risks Rise At Night
- Take A Deeper Look At Common Bike-Related Accident Injuries
- Taking Precautions By Understanding The Most Common Bike Accident Causes In The D.C. Area
- Teaching Children Safe Bicycle Riding Habits Could Save A Life
- The Dangers Of Having Your Child Along For The Bike Ride
- The Dangers of Your Nighttime Bike Ride in Washington, D.C.
- The Increased Risks Of Biking In Groups
- Tips To Help You Stay Safe When Riding Your Bicycle After Dark
- Virginia Bike Accident Attorneys: Kids Must Follow Bike Helmet Rules
- Washington, D.C., Cycling Accidents And The Double-Edged Sword Of Bike Lanes
- Were You Involved in a Minor D.C. Area Bicycle Accident? Bethesda Bicycle Accident Attorneys Tell You Why You May Still Have a Case
- When Are Your Chances Increased For A Bicycle Injury?
- Winter Bike Riding In Metro-D.C. And Maryland Can Still Be Safe And Fun
- Without properly cleared paths and lanes, cyclists will be forced to ride on dangerous, slick streets, in the midst of heavy flowing traffic
- Expressway Crossing Hazards For Pedestrians And Bicyclists
Pedestrian & Bicycle Accidents Questions
- Am I at fault if I open my car door and hit a bicyclist? What if I don’t see the bicyclist?
- Are bicyclists required to ride as far to the right as possible on the road, or is it ever all right to ride in the middle of a lane of traffic?
- Are bike accident head injuries worse for adults or children?
- Are cars always held liable in Washington, D.C. and Virginia pedestrian accidents?
- Can I Receive Damages From Multiple Sources For My Pedestrian Accident?
- Can we file a claim if my child was injured in a bike accident, but wasn’t wearing his bike helmet?
- Can Your Mood Truly Affect How You Ride A Bike?
- Do I have to ride my bike in a bike lane or can I use the sidewalk?
- How can I prevent a senior citizen from getting into a pedestrian accident?
- How long do I have to file a claim for my bicycle accident?
- I commute to work on my bike, and there are some really busy roads that do not have much room to ride alongside cars. What can I do to avoid being in a Washington, DC biking accident?
- I have heard that bicyclists are more likely to be injured in a Bethesda bicycle accident if they are wearing a helmet. Is that true?
- I live on a quiet cul-de-sac in the Virginia suburbs. Do I really need to supervise my children while they play outside?
- I recently received minor injuries in a Bethesda pedestrian accident, and the driver left the scene. Should I pursue a lawsuit?
- I was injured in a bike accident recently while on a nighttime ride.
- I was recently injured in a Prince George’s County bike accident, but no other cars or people were involved. Can I still collect compensation for my damages?
- I was recently injured in a Washington, D.C., bicycle accident when I hit an unavoidable pothole while commuting to work. What can I do to recover damages?
- I worry about my family’s safety while we are out walking. What can I do to prevent us from becoming victims of a Virginia pedestrian accident?
- If I am injured in a Washington, D.C., pedestrian accident, which insurance policy covers my damages?
- If I’m involved in a minor Virginia bicycle accident, do I really need to call a lawyer? If I’m ok enough to ride away, why shouldn’t I just do that?
- My daughter loves to play outside with the neighborhood kids, but I worry about her being hit by a car. What tips can you give me to protect her from accidents?
- My family rides bikes for recreation and when running quick errands.
- What are the most common bike accident injuries that cyclists experience, and why do I need to get a lawyer involved if I am injured in a bike accident?
- What compensation am I entitled to in my Washington, D.C. area bicycle accident injury case?
- What is the most dangerous time to go for a walk?
- What role do property owners, either commercial, public or private, play in preventing pedestrian accidents on sidewalks during winter months?
- What should I do if I am involved in a Washington, D.C.-area bicycle accident that was possibly caused by a defective part on my bike?
- What should I do if I’m in a bicycle accident, but I think I’m all right? Do I really need to report the accident if it doesn’t seem serious?
- What Type Of Weather Is The Most Dangerous For Pedestrian Accidents?
- Which is more dangerous, riding a bike or riding a motorcycle?
- Who has the right of way when I approach an intersection on my bike, and the car next to me wants to turn right?
- Pedestrian Accident Statistics
- Plane Crashes, Injuries And Deaths
Truck Accidents
Truck Accidents Library
- Cautionary Z’s: Will Newly Adjusted Maximum Weekly Driving Hours Help Reduce Maryland and Virginia Truck Accidents?
- Dangers Of Lost Loads And Highway Debris
- I was hurt in a car wreck with an uninsured driver. Why don’t these people get car insurance?
- I’ve been involved in an accident, but I’m unsure if I should file a Virginia or Maryland uninsured motorist claim—what should I do?
- Sick Truckers Forge Bogus Health Certificates To Stay On The Road
- The Common Causes Of Truck Accidents (Part One)
- The Three Reasons You Need A Virginia/D.C./Maryland Truck Accident Lawyer
- Truck Accidents And Improperly Loaded Trucks: Do You Need A Truck Accident Lawyer?
- Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer: How To Pass A Truck Safely
Truck Accidents Library
Car Accidents
- Silver Spring Personal Injury Law Office
- Testimonials
- Uninsured And Under-Insured Driver Accidents
- Wrongful Death