MetroRail And MetroBus Injury Claims
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is a transit service that is cooperative funded by the D.C., Virginia and Maryland governments. WMATA oversees rapid transit rail service Metrorail known as the “Metro” and Metrobus. If you have been injured in a Metrorail or Metrobus accident, it is important that you contact a Virginia, Maryland or Washington, D.C., car wreck lawyer experienced in WMATA accidents to assist you.
Metro Train Derailment And Collisions
Metro accidents and derailments occur, often resulting in injuries and sometimes tragic deaths. Some common causes of accidents include:
- Improperly switched lines
- Faulty equipment
- Fatigue on the operator’s behalf
- Excessive speeds
The injuries sustained from such accidents are often extensive, due to a large number of passengers, the often-inadequate number of seats, and the lack of safety restraining belts.
Call Us First
If you were injured while riding public transit in the D.C. area, talk to an attorney before you talk to someone at the Transit Authority.
Call us at 202-296-0666 before you talk to anyone about your accident or injury.
Any attorney experienced in claims with WMATA knows that this inter-governmental cooperative agency is notoriously difficult to deal with in resolving claims. Metro is NOT insured, but is self-insured, paying claims from its own “purse.” That purse is kept closed very tightly. Choosing an attorney to handle claims with Metro is a difficult task. Your attorney should be willing to file suit and litigate, as often that is required to get Metro to the settlement table. Contact Lewis & Tompkins, P.C., to let us know how we can help you with your claim against Metro.