Wrongful Death And Car Accidents
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 40,000 Americans die in traffic accidents each year — including car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents. While some of these fatal crashes are just the result of circumstances, bad luck, or other factors, many of these accidents could have been prevented if not for the negligence of someone else. If your loved one has died in a car accident that was not his or her fault, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.
Here are some examples of car accidents that may be wrongful death cases:
- Your husband is killed when someone turns in front of him on the highway because they ran a red light.
- Your daughter is killed when she hits debris in the road left behind by a road repair crew.
- Your wife is killed on the interstate when a drunk driver enters the road going the wrong way.
- Your father is killed when a drag racing teen loses control of his car and sideswipes your father’s truck.
- A commercial truck driver falls asleep at the wheel after falsifying his driver’s log. He plows into your family’s minivan, killing your child.
- Your spouse is walking in a crosswalk when a garbage truck ignores a yield sign and his him.
- Your mother is killed while commuting to work on her bicycle when her brakes malfunction.
In all of these cases, the family members killed in traffic accidents were victims of another person’s or another company’s negligence. If not for their actions, your loved one would be alive today. Although it is impossible to bring your loved one back, in some of these cases, it is possible to return some normalcy and some financial security to your family by filing for a wrongful death suit with the help of a wrongful death lawyer. Learn more about your possible case today.