Many people know that it is not only illegal but extremely dangerous to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. However, some people forget that even after one’s blood alcohol content has gone down, it may still be dangerous for them to drive. Whether they are still intoxicated, or they are struggling from the various consequences of heavy drinking (headaches, etc.), they may present a risk to themselves and others if they decide to get behind the wheel.
When it comes to hangovers and auto accidents, excessive drinking is very concerning. Some people may stay off of the road because they are heavily intoxicated, but they may get behind the wheel in the morning even though they are having difficulty focusing because they are hungover. They may be confused or have a relentless headache that gets in the way of their ability to safely operate a vehicle. They may also be very tired, and drowsy driving has led to many crashes.
Whether you regularly drink and struggle with hangovers or you find yourself in this position even though you rarely consume large amounts of alcohol, it is imperative to make sure you are able to drive safely. Sadly, some drivers do not pay attention to this advice, and they cause crashes that leave others with debilitating hardships. If you are in this position because of a driver who was hungover after drinking too much, this factor should not be overlooked. You may be able to file suit and work toward the financial support that you will need during your recovery.