For many people, summer brings the promise of ample time off. Combined with agreeable weather, it makes the season perfect for road trips. Yet, sitting at the wheel for long stretches of time can fatigue motorists. If you find yourself yawning or nodding off after a...
Year: 2020
Slip-and-fall cases when the plaintiff is partly to blame
The law may entitle those involved in a slip-and-fall incident in Maryland to damages. Their eligibility will depend on negligence and proximate cause, as with all personal injury claims. Maryland laws for personal injury claims are stricter than most, which can...
How common are birth injuries?
A birth injury is an adverse effect that occurs during your labor or delivery, sometimes due to a mistake by a member of your health care team. While some define a birth injury specifically as impairment of your newborn baby's function, adverse events during birth can...
Drunk driving: How great a problem in Washington, D.C.?
If you live anywhere in the greater Washington, D.C. area, including Bethesda, Maryland, you know how heavy the traffic is at virtually all hours of the day and night. What you may not realize, however, is that Washington, D.C. has a serious drunk driving problem. The...
Car companies might owe crash victims compensation
After a traumatic car accident, the first thing most people want to do is heal. After that, the question usually arises of who should pay for that recovery. Some victims look to the other driver whose negligence or recklessness contributed to or caused the injury....
When is a pharmaceutical company liable for drug reactions?
Many drugs on the market can cause adverse reactions, but in some cases, you may be able to hold the drug company liable for the harm you suffer. As FindLaw explains, this may be true even for FDA-approved drugs or those prescribed by a doctor. Understanding product...
Driverless Cars May Not Reduce Crashes As Much As Expected
Wall Street Journal automotive columnist Dan Neil recently called the new Tesla Model Y “the most technically advanced electric automobile made,” and pondered whether it could be deemed the best car in the world, period. Of course, one of the prominent features that...
How can you protect your aging loved one from a fall?
Watching your parents age may bring bittersweet feelings and new concerns you had never before considered. Whether your parents live in your home, on their own or in a nursing home facility, your intervention to prevent slips, trips and falls may help protect their...
Will my malpractice lawsuit go to trial?
If a medical provider in Maryland caused an injury by failing to provide you with the proper standard of care, you may be considering a medical malpractice lawsuit. It is possible, and even likely, that you signed an arbitration agreement with your provider before you...
What are bed sores?
When a loved one lives in a nursing home, you expect them to be afforded top-quality care. Older adults with advanced medical needs, including those who are bedridden, must be privy to round the clock care to keep them safe and secure. This includes help with personal...