“Granny cam” is a colloquial term for a hidden camera or surveillance device installed in a nursing facility to monitor the care of elderly individuals. Upon installation of this device, the primary goal is to capture evidence of abuse or neglect—or deter it...
Nursing Home Injuries
3 common transportation-related incidents in nursing homes
Many families trust nursing homes to care for their elderly loved ones, including safe transportation for medical visits, social outings and facility transfers. However, sometimes, injuries still arise during transport. These incidents harm our seniors and raise...
Nursing home issues getting a close look from Maryland officials
Regardless of why a person lives in a nursing home, they and their families expect that they will be protected and treated in a caring way. Unfortunately, there are often allegations that facilities and their staff are negligent or outright abusive. When a person is...
Nursing home negligence alleged in death of former U.S. Rep.
Nursing home accidents rarely make headlines outside of the state where the victim lives or the nursing home is located. However, a recent episode of nursing home staff neglect in Dallas produced such clear evidence of negligence that the case is likely to spark...
Falls are a serious hazard for nursing home patients
Falls are a common cause of injuries to nursing home patients. According to government statistics, up to 50% of nursing home patients fall annually. Among those hundreds of thousands of patients who fall, 33% of them fall more than once in a year. Falls can seriously...
Three tips for building a nursing home neglect case
When you help your loved one secure placement in a nursing home, you hope and expect them to receive adequate care. But the sad reality is that far too many vulnerable people end up suffering nursing home injuries, frequently on account of negligence and abuse. If...
Is your loved one in a bad nursing home?
Nursing homes are meant to be places for our family members or loved ones to receive care they need for medical conditions or deteriorating health conditions. We expect caring, supportive staff who treat patients with respect. Unfortunately, we sometimes hear...
Government list highlights nursing homes with poor history
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, is a federal agency which, among other things, oversees the quality of care in assisted living facilities which accept patients enrolled in Medicare or Medicaid. The CMS maintains what it calls a Special Focus...
When are people victims of nursing home neglect vs. abuse?
People move loved ones to nursing homes in the Washington D.C. area for a variety of reasons, but it is generally so their loved ones receive the care they need. As people grow older, they may not be able to maintain the proper care for their various health needs....
Signs to watch for that indicate nursing home injuries
Nursing home abuse can have catastrophic consequences for victims and their loved ones. For that reason, victims and their families should be familiar with the signs of nursing home injuries and abuse and what to watch for. Signs of nursing home abuse There are...